How to Manage Holiday Stress

While the holidays can be a time of fun and happiness, they can also be very stressful. Dealing with family, eating, cooking, shopping, going to social gatherings, and entertaining guests can become quite a lot to juggle. This blog post will address some of the ways that you can try to handle the stress of the holiday season.

  • Plan ahead: Get a head start on any meal planning and make lists of what you need. Make a budget for gifts and plan days (or time online) to shop.

  • Figure out your priorities: Figure out which activities you enjoy the most and skip the others. You do not have to accept every invitation you get.

  • Be clear about your boundaries: It is important to be mindful of your own limitations. Often the holidays can be challenging because of the expectation to spend a lot of time with difficult family members. Think about past celebrations and when you reached your limit. Limit the amount of time you spend at family or social events in order to avoid feeling emotionally drained. Decline invitations if you need to - you can only do so much. Let friends and family know that you can only stay for a certain amount of time. Try setting boundaries around topics that you do not wish to discuss or advice that you did not ask for. You can politely ask to change the subject.

  • Manage your expectations: No holiday gathering is going to be perfect. Try not to let tangled lights or a burnt side dish ruin your day. Recognize that the situation will pass and may even become a funny memory.

  • Find shortcuts: If you are hosting a gathering, buy some items already prepared instead of making everything from scratch. Even better - have a potluck and ask everyone to bring a dish. Go digital with your holiday cards instead of handwriting and mailing them.

  • Take care of yourself: Make sure you are finding time for self-care. Make time for your hobbies, eating well, exercising, journaling, or whatever other activities you do to take care of yourself and relax.

  • Ask for help: Do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There is no shame in needing a hand!


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